♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Mini Red Velvet Cake with Cream cheese / Red Velvet Kek dengan krem keju yang lezat.

Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia di bagian bawah

Selam everybody...Merhaba from Türkiye.

Actually this is my late post. İ made this cake few weeks ago and posted on my instagram to joined one Giveaway baking group. The theme was Red Velvet cake.

So İ baked this yummy sponge red velvet pair with cream cheese.
İ love red velvet and baked them many times. You can check my Cheesecake between Red Velvet cake.  Or moist steamed Red Velvet cake and RV Roll Cake for you who love roll cake, and many more RV theme. Just browse my page and find more.

What İ am going to share today is my fave one. İ made this recipe since İ enjoy red velvet cake but İ don't like the bitterness taste that mostly İ found in RV cake recipe.
İt's sponge cake base cake still, with separated egg yolk method. No Baking soda added.

For me cooking is about my taste.. my personal flavor. İ add or didn't add anything that did not meet my palate. 😋

İ made mini version of naked red velvet cake. İt's simple yet beautiful enough to enjoy with your mate. 
İ simply baked my cake in wide baking tray (40x30x4 cm) then using ring cutter (diameter 12 cm) to cut my sheet cake.
You can also use 4 (four) mini springform diameter 12 cm.

Mini Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese frosting

🎂 6 medium eggs, separated yolks from white
🎂 60 g butter milk
🎂 60 g corn oil (any veg oil will work)
🎂 1 tsp vanilla paste / extract/ essence
🎂 ½ tsp fine salt 
🎂 120 g AP flour
🎂 10 g powdered milk
🎂 3 tsp natural cacao powder (not dutch processed one)
🎂 2 tsp red gel food color
🎂 1 tsp white vinegar
🎂 110 g caster sugar

What you need:
1 baking pan 40 x 30 cm / 35 x 35 cm and round cutter ring ⌀ 12 cm
OR 4 mini round springform pan ⌀12 cm
Image result for 12 cm kek kalıbı
12 cm mini springform pan


 Pre heat oven at 160°C. Line your 40x30 cm baking tray or mini springform pan with parchment paper.

 İn big bowl mix egg yolks, buttermilk, oil, vanilla and salt. Use wire whisk to mix well.

 Sift in flour, cacao and powdered milk into yolk mixture, whisk to combine. Then mix in red food coloring, mix well and set a side. 

 İn another clean bowl, whip the egg white with white vinegar. Whip until it foamy. Gradually add caster sugar in 3 batches while you whip the white into almost hard peak meringue.

 Take ⅓ (one third) meringue and add to red batter to loosen the batter. Add another one third and keep folding to corporate the batter.

 Pour in to prepare pan and bake about 25-30 minutes. Check with tooth pick and touch the surface gently, if it's spring back when gently touch, it should be okay. Cool over cooling rack.
Note: Every oven gives different result of heat and time to bake, adjust according your own oven condition.

 Use 12 cm ring cutter to cut the cake if you use baking tray. Decorate with cream cheese, recipe below. İ use close star tip nozzle to pipe my frosting.

Cream cheese frosting:
  • 250 g cream cheese, softened 
  • 100 g white baking chocolate, melted 
  • 55 g butter, softened 
  • 1 tsp vanilla paste/ extract
  • about 110-130 g confectioners' sugar 

In a large clean bowl, whisk butter, cream cheese and vanilla just until blended. 
Gradually whisk in confectioners’ sugar and baking chocolate. You may add your confectioners' sugar little by little, do not add them all just see and check the consistency.
Continue to beat until smooth. 
Move to piping bag with close star tip nozzle and keep to refrigerator until it ready to use.

Happy baking 💖



Semoga semuanya dalam keadaan sehat dan bahagia bersama keluarga ya. Amin.
Kali ini mau posting mini red velvet cake dengan kream keju yang pastinya akan jadi favorite keluarga...bener deh..enak soalnya..gak eneq frostingnya.

Rasa kek nya juga gak pahit seperti kebanyakan red velvet jenis butter cake yang menggunakan baking soda. Tapi semua kembali ke selera masing-masing yaa....

Kalau pengen versi yang butter cake dengan tambahan baking soda bisa cek postingan saya Cheesecake between red velvet cake disini.. yang itu nagih juga sebab saya pakai cheesecake diantara RV kek nya..cobain juga deh... rasa kek nya itu juga gak terlalu berasa pahit soda 
Naahh..kali ini saya bagi resep red velvet saya yang lain dengan metode pisah telur. Tetap menggunakan buttermilk, tetap pakai cuka (vinegar) tapi minus baking soda. Hasilnya..enaakkk dan gak cepet blenger (bosen).

Resep ini saya ikutkan kontes Giveaway Baking Bareng di İnstagram... dan alhamdulillah dapat no.2 ... hadiahnya stand mixer... aahhh senangnya... 💖

Ya udah..yuk yang mau coba juga...cuuss ke dapur 😉

Kita bisa buat frostingnya dulu, simpan dalam lemari es hingga siap digunakan.

Cream cheese frosting:
🎂 250 gr cream cheese, suhu ruang
🎂 55 gr mentega, lembekkan suhu ruang
🎂 1 sdt vanilla
🎂 110-130 gr gula icing
🎂 100 gr wcc, lelehkan 

Mixer cream cheese, mentega dan vanilla hingga lembut, masukkan gula icing sedikit demi sedikit sambil dimixer pelan hingga rata, sambil masukkan cokelat putih leleh. 
Penambahan gula icing bisa kurang atau lebih sesuai konsistensi frosting yang diinginkan.
Masukkan dalam piping bag dan simpan dalam lemari es hingga siap digunakan.

Resep Mini Red Velvet cake.

🎂 6 telur, pisahkan kuning dan putihnya
🎂 60 g butter milk
🎂 60 g minyak jagung
🎂 1 sdt vanilla
🎂 ½ sdt garam
🎂 120 g terigu protein sedang
🎂 10 gr susu bubuk
🎂 3 sdt kakao bubuk (bukan dutch proses)
🎂 2 sdt pewarna merah
🎂 1 tsp cuka masak
🎂 110 g gula kastor


Panaskan oven suhu 160°C. Siapkan loyang ukuran 35x35 cm, alasi kertas baking. atau bisa juga pakai 4 loyang mini ukuran 12 cm.

 Campur jadi satu kutel, butter milk, minyak, vanilla dan garam. Aduk dengan balon whisk hingga tercampur rata.

 Masukkan terigu, susu bubuk, kakao sambil diaduk rata. Campurkan juga pewarna merah, aduk rata. Sisihkan.

 Di mangkok lain, kocok putel dan cuka hingga berbusa banyak. Masukkan gula kastor secara bertahap sambil tetap dimixer kecepatan tinggi. Kocok hingga hampir hard peak.

 Masukkan ⅓ bagian meringue ke adonan merah, aduk balik dengan balon whisk, terakhir aduk balik dengan spatula. 
 Tuang ke loyang yang sudah disiapkan dan panggang kurleb 25 menit, test tusuk dan jika permukaan cake disentuh akan membal.Diamkan diatas rak pendingin.
Note: Kondisi oven yang berbeda menghasilkan panas dan waktu memanggang yang berbeda. Kenali kondisi oven masing-masing ya.

 Gunakan ring cutter untuk memotong cake. Hias sesuai selera dengan cream cheese frosting.

Selamat mencoba.


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