♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Best Apple pie with Salted Caramel Sauce

Resep dalam Bhs İndonesia ada di bagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

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Apple pie with Salted Caramel Sauce| Çitra's Home Diary. #applepie #saltedcaramel #pierecipes #fallbaking #apelpie

Apple Pie, fall delicious dessert that everyone should bake.

This hearty and humble apple pie wouldn't be simple anymore with flush a lot of salted caramel sauce.-who doesn't love caramel sauce?

Serve it with clotted cream or vanilla ice cream ..You gonna ask for more! 💛

Apple pie with Salted Caramel Sauce| Çitra's Home Diary. #applepie #saltedcaramel #pierecipes #fallbaking #apelpie

İ love to make my apple pie in individual version so İt's easy for me to keep the rest in an airtight container.

And with mini version make me easier to put it my kid's or my hubby's lunch box.

Or just fill our picnic box for a freshly weekend picnic before the air turns completely freeze.

Just an impressive mini version! 

The crust is totally yummy! flaky and all butter type pie crust İ still couldn't move on to another recipe. 

The pie shell İ use is my favorite recipe still. You can check the pie crust recipe here in this link. İ made the crust a night before İ bake my pie. 

Feel free to use your own favorite pie crust, but take my word... you should try my flaky crust, it's worth to make and you gonna love it.

Apple pie with Salted Caramel Sauce| Çitra's Home Diary. #applepie #saltedcaramel #pierecipes #fallbaking #apelpie

And look at that salted caramel. İ am sure everybody loves good caramel sauce.

Caramel sauce and apple are meant to be together since forever. They are just complete each other like me and husband....... 😁

And those classic yummy things absolutely our every year pie.

First İ made in ahead the pie crust before preparing the filling. 
İ mix in some dried golden sultanas and dried cranberries into my filling to enrich the flavor... we love it.

So here my Apple pie with salted caramel sauce recipe.

İngredients for pie crust:
  • 350 g AP flour
  • 40 gr caster sugar 
  • ¾ tsp salt 
  • 230 g very cold butter, cut into a small 1" cube 
  • 1 medium cold egg, lightly beaten 
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 3 + 2 tbsp iced cold water, separated (I put ice cubes in a glass with enough water)
Check in this link for making the crust.
Divide the dough into 2 parts and flatten it like a disk then wrap it with plastic film. Keep in the refrigerator while making caramel sauce and filling.

Apple pie with Salted Caramel Sauce| Çitra's Home Diary. #applepie #saltedcaramel #pierecipes #fallbaking #apelpie

You can also make this caramel sauce in advance and keep in fridge. Slightly warm up by dipping the bottle in hot water before use to get pouring consistency.

Salted Caramel sauce:
  • 225 gr (1 cup) caster sugar
  • 75 g  butter
  • 110 ml whole milk
  • pinch of salt
See this link how to make Salted Caramel Sauce.

For filling:
  • about 600-700 gr apple, roughly chopped
  • 130~150 gr brown sugar 
  • some dried golden sultana
  • some dried cranberries
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon
  •  tsp freshly ground nutmeg
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 45 gr butter (about 3 tbsp)
  • 6-7 tbsp water
  1. Melt butter in a pan/skillet. Add in apple+dried fruits, sugar, cinnamon, ground nutmeg, and cornstarch. Add 6-7 tbsp of water and lemon juice. Cook over medium heat just until apple is slightly soft, thickened and sugar dissolved about 5-7 minutes. 
  2. Remove from heat and let it sit at room temperature. 
For sprinkle:
  • 1 egg whisk with 2 tbsp water/milk
  • sugar / brown sugar
How to make:

İ am using fluted mini pie mold (200 ml capacity) about 8 cm in diameter. You can use a mini aluminum foil cup or muffin mold.

1) Working one disk of pie crust dough at a time. Take one part of dough and flatten with rolling pin into thin sheet (not more than 5 mm). İ roll my dough between two sheets of baking paper.
Cut into circle, it should wider than your tin mini pie mold. Then line your fluted pie tart tin with the dough, roll some dough also for the covers. 
Updated: for cover, İ just roll my dough and shape it round (wider than upper side of mold). After filled your pie with filling mixture cover with it, tack and trim excess dough. Make slice cross on top of cover.
Or roll dough then cut into long strips to use as cover.

2) Pre heat oven at 190ºC (180ºC fan force). Fill with pie filling, flush with caramel sauce. Cover with other dough, patching the edges then make small cross cut on top of it. Arrange them on baking tray. Brush them with egg yolk and sprinkle some brown sugar. 

3) Bake them 25~ 30 minutes and until they golden brown and bubbling can be seen at the cutting part. Remove from oven and let it cool to room temperature.

Serve warm or room temperature with more caramel sauce and cream (ice cream).

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

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Apple pie with Salted Caramel Sauce| Çitra's Home Diary. #applepie #saltedcaramel #pierecipes #fallbaking #apelpie

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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟

Musim gugur rasanya lebih dingin dan lebih banyak angin tahun ini.
Dan hawa yang mendingin secara mendadak membuat kami berjatuhan sakit... 😩
Awalnya si kecil yang terserang flu. Hidungnya buntu dan nggak bisa tidur malam harinya....

Yaa...seperti biasa..kalau anak sakit..maminya ikutan gak bisa tidur sebab si kecil merengek-rengek gak bisa bernafas lega karena buntu hidungnya.

Sempat gak masuk sekolah seminggu.

Belum sembuh si kecil... akhirnya saya ikutan sakit. Mashaallah...padahal kalau sekeluarga sakit biasanya saya yang paling tahan tidak ikutan sakit.
Tapi kali ini dikasih sakit...alhamdulillah...akhirnya ada alasan buat "dilayani" suami 😊

Jadi selama seminggu kemarin suami yang bantu bikin makan malam-walau capek pulang kerja 😔
Teh dia yang seduh-biasanya sesuai tradisi perempuan yang harus seduh teh buat anggota keluarga.

Pokoknya hari istirahat saya adalah hari dimanja suami...hehehhe.... iya donk..gantian 😘

Ya sudah.... minggu istirahat sudah lewat... Dan kemarin kudu jalan kepasar karena stok di kulkas sudah menipis.

Waahhh.... lihat buah apel merah dan hijau banyak sekali dan murah lagi. Rupanya peak season buat buah apel. Ya udah akhirnya borong apel banyak-banyak... Buat camilan di rumah dan kepikiran buat apel pie.

Naahhh... ini dia pie apel favorite kami dalam versi mini. Suka dengan versi mini saja sebab praktis bisa buat bekal anak dan suami.

Kali ini bikin sedikit beda dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya, pie apel saya ada tambahan saus karamel yang legit dan so yummy. Apel dan saus karamel? sejodoh! Pokoknya wajib coba deh.

 Apple pie with Salted Caramel Sauce| Çitra's Home Diary. #applepie #saltedcaramel #pierecipes #fallbaking #apelpie

Bahan untuk pie crust:
  • 350 gr terigu serba guna
  • 40 gr gula kastor
  • ¾ sdt garam halus
  • 230 gr mentega sangat dingin, potong kotak kecil
  • 1 telur, kocok lepas
  • 1 sdt perasan jeruk lemon
  • 3 + 2 sdm air es
Untuk selengkapnya bisa dilihat disini bagaimana membuat pie crust.
Bagi adonan pie menjadi 2 bagian. Pipihkan dan bungkus dengan plastik film, simpan dalam lemari es.

Untuk membuat saus karamel bisa dibikin sehari sebelumnya atau setelah membuat pie crust.

Bahan saus karamel homemade:
  • 225 gr (1 cup) gula kastor
  • 75 gr mentega
  • 110 ml susu full fat
  • garam
Lihat link ini untuk membuat saus karamel.

Untuk isian:
  • kurleb 600-700 gr apel merah atau hijau, potong kecil
  • 130~150 gr gula atau gula palem
  • kismis
  • buah cranberi kering
  • 1 sdm bubuk kayu manis
  •  sdt parutan pala
  • 1½ sdm maizena
  • 45 gr mentega (kurleb 3 sdm)
  1. Lelehkan mentega dalam panci saus. Masukkan potongan apel dan buah-buahan kering lainnya, gula, bubuk kayu manis, pala dan pati jagung. Masak suhu rendah hingga saus mengental dan gula larut. Kurleb 5-7 menit.
  2. Angkat dan diamkan hingga suhu ruang. 
untuk taburan:
  • 1 telur kocok dengan 2 sdm air / susu
  • gula pasir / brown sugar
  • saus karamel ketika disajikan
How to make:

İ am using fluted mini pie mold (200 ml capacity) about 8 cm in diameter. You can use mini aluminium foil cup or muffin mold.

1) Working one disk of pie crust dough at a time. Take one part of dough and flatten with rolling pin into thin sheet (not more than 5 mm). İ roll my dough between two sheets of baking paper.
Cut into circle, it should wider than your tin mini pie mold. Then line your fluted pie tart tin with the dough, roll some dough also for the covers. 

Apple pie with Salted Caramel Sauce| Çitra's Home Diary. #applepie #saltedcaramel #pierecipes #fallbaking #apelpie

2) Pre heat oven at 190ºC (180ºC fan force). Fill with pie filling, flush with caramel sauce. Cover with other dough, patching the edges then make small cross cut on top of it. Arrange them on baking tray. Brush them with egg yolk and sprinkle some brown sugar. 

3) Bake them 25~ 30 minutes and until they golden brown and bubbling can be seen at cutting part. Remove from oven and let it cool to room temperature.

Serve warm or room temperature with more caramel sauce and cream (ice cream).

Apple pie with Salted Caramel Sauce| Çitra's Home Diary. #applepie #saltedcaramel #pierecipes #fallbaking #apelpie

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚



  1. Not only are these adorable, they look divine! I love individual treats, and these are spot on for the season!

    1. individual treat is always my prefer..especially for these yummy pie. thx Patricia.

  2. Salted caramel sauce makes everything better : )

  3. I love apple desserts in the Fall. These look great, and I love that they come in individual portions. That will help my children to only eat ONE serving. Plus, these are very cute and will look great on our Thankgiving dessert table. Thanks for sharing.

  4. These look delicious! I love mini desserts.

  5. Wow! This looks absolutely yum! Will definitely try it.

  6. Aren't these just perfect for the season! :-) I love apple pie and love the fact that these are mini bites so perfect for a little indulgence :-)
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. You had me at apple pie. The salted caramel sauce on top is just the icing on the cake, YUM! These are perfect for Thanksgiving and Fall. Thanks for posting the recipe!

  8. Wow! What decadence! These little pies look like a perfect holiday treat. :)

  9. I love the mini version for portion control. These look so good it would be too easy to grab a huge slice of a regular pie;)

  10. Apples and caramel are so good together! Brilliant to combine them this way, and the mini pies are so cute!

  11. This look amazing! I love treats that are individual sized, especially for gathers like the upcoming holidays!

  12. I am just as much on-board the salted caramel + apple bandwagon as everyone else. These pies are adorable!

  13. These are adorable, but I can't figure out how you make the pie tops. I do an apple date mini pie and it took forever to make cross hatched tops. Some of yours look like they are whole and some look as though they have holes. Can you tell me how you do it?

    1. hai Renee.. for make pie top İ just simply roll out my dough and shape a round a little wider than pie mold. then cover it onto the pie, make small cut for hole on top of it.
      for basket wave, just cut the dough into long strips then cover alternately as cover, as simple as you make normal pie. thank you, İ wll update my post hoe to make cover as well.. :)


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