♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Daily Salad

Daily coz it's almost always be on our dinner table. Fresh and perfectly suit with any meal you have...
Simple to prepare also. 

Just provide all materials as many as you needs.
red cabbage, cut into thin coat of salt until wilted, then wash.
cucumber, cut into squares
tomato, cut into squares
long green chillies, chopped also
onions. roughly chop.

1/2 pieces of lemon juice (or to taste),  squeezed
enough olive oil
salt to taste

Arrange all salad materials on a salad plate before serving, pour and mix with lemon juice, olive oil and salt before serve. Better served cold.

Bahasa Indonesia

Sediakan semua bahan sesuai banyak kebutuhan anda.
kubis merah, potong tipis dan lumuri garam hingga layu, lalu cuci.
mentimun, potong kotak-kotak
tomat, potong kotak-kotak
cabe hijau panjang, potong-potong juga
bawang bombay. cincang kasar.

1/2 buah jeruk lemon (atau sesuai selera), peras airnya
minyak zaitun secukupnya atau sesuai selera
 garam sesuai selera

Susun bahan Salad diatas piring salad menjelang dihidangkan, siram dan campur dengan perasan lemon, minyak zaitun dan garam. Lebih enak dihidangkan dingin.


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