♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Dolmalık biber

Saya bukan Chef. Tidak pernah secara khusus ikut kursus cooking atau apa... Saya rasa tiap perempuan punya instinct untuk berada didapur dan menciptakan sesuatu.. tinggal saya mengasah dan belajar memperbaiki intinct memasak itu @(^_^)@
Karena suami saya orang Turki, maka saya mesti bisa juga masak makanan Turki.. walaupun sambel terasi dan ikan teri tetap menjadi favorit saya..

I'm not a chef and I never went to cooking course or whatever... but I think every woman has instinct for being in the kitchen and create something ... all I must do is sharpen and learn to improve that cooking instinct ..
Due to my husband from Turkey, so I must learn how to cook Turkish food.. even though "sambal terasi" ( traditional Indonesian chili) and "teri" fish still being my best choice..
My 1st Turkish food is Dolmalıc Biber or Stuffed Dolma.

Ingredients (for about 6 large bell peppers)
- 6 pieces of bell paprika, make holes on top of it and clean the seed, sprinkle a little salt in it
- 1  1/2 cup rice, wash + drain
- 1 onion  large-grated
- 2 cloves garlic (optional, because some do not like garlic), grated
- 100 gr of ground beef
- 1 tomato large-grated
- 1 small tomatoes, cut into crescent shapes (to put on biber).
- Salt to taste
- 1 /2 tbsp tomato paste
- 1 egg

- 3 tablespoons vegetable oil for sauteing
heat the oil, put grated onion, garlic, and cook until fragrant. Add ground beef. cook until meat is cooked. Then add in the grated tomato + salt, stir briefly. Then put the rice, followed by tomato paste. mix well above the pan. Turn off the heat. Let it a little bit cool.
Add the eggs and stir until all ingredients blend well. Insert the mixture into bell pepper (biber). Fill Paprika approximately 2/3 full. Give the tomato slices on top crescent
Prepare deep pan, put Dolma who had already contains rice and pour woth boiling water (give a space, not to sink Dolma). Simmer until cooked, approximately 35 minutes.
Dolma ready to be served warm ...

bahasa Indonesia
Bahan-Bahan (untuk sekitar 6 paprika ukuran besar)
- 6 buah paprika gendut, lubangi bag. atas dan buang isinya, taburi sedikit garam didalamnya
- 1 1/2 gelas beras, cuci +tiriskan
- 1 buah bawang bombay uk. besar-diparut
- 2 siung bawang (optional, sebab ada yg nggak suka bawang putih)-diparut
- 1 ons daging giling
- 1 buah tomat uk. besar-diparut
- 1 buah tomat uk kecil, dipotong bentuk bulan sabit untuk ditaruh diatas biber.
- garam secukupnya sesuai selera
- 1/2 sdm pasta tomat
- 1 butir telur
- 3 sdm minyak sayur untuk menumis.

Cara membuat:
panaskan minyak, masukkan parutan bawang bombay, bawang putih, masak hingga wangi. Masukkan daging giling. masak hingga daging matang. Kemudian masukkan parutan tomat+ garam, aduk sebentar. Lalu masukkan beras, diikuti pasta tomat. aduk hingga rata diatas pan. Matikan api. Biarkan agak dingin.
Masukkan telur dan aduk hingga semua bahan tercampur rata. Masukkan bahan tadi ke dalam Paprika (Dolma). Isi dolma kira-kira 2/3 bagian saja. Beri irisan tomat bulan sabit diatasnya
Siapkan panci, taruh dolma yg sudah berisi beras tadi dan tuangi dengan air mendidih (beri jarak, jangan sampai dolma tenggelam). Masak dengan api kecil hingga matang, kira-kira 35 menit.
Dolma siap disajikan hangat...


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